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Accueil du site > Production scientifique > Formation and Characterization of Gaseous Adducts of Carbon Dioxide to Magnesium, (CO2)MgX- (X=OH, Cl, Br)

Formation and Characterization of Gaseous Adducts of Carbon Dioxide to Magnesium, (CO2)MgX- (X=OH, Cl, Br)

Date de publication: 6 juin 2012

H. Dossmann (Soldi-Lose), C. Afonso, D. Lesage, J.-C. Tabet, and E. Uggerud 2012, 51, 1
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51 6938 (2012). DOI

Travail réalisé sur le site de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie.


A good fix : The structure and chemical reactivity of a reduced form of CO2 bonded to magnesium, XMg(η2-O2C)−, is reported. Upon reaction with water it loses CO, while it adds CH3 upon reaction with alkyl halides, thereby signifying nucleophilicity of the carbon atom in XMg(η2-O2C)− in SN2 reactions.